Skin cancer cosmetic surgery refers to surgical procedures performed to improve appearance after skin cancer treatment. In the treatment of skin cancer, the primary goal is to completely remove the tumor and prevent the spread of cancer. However, these procedures can sometimes affect the aesthetic appearance.
Skin cancer aesthetic surgery can be applied for the following situations: Wound healing after skin cancer removal: Surgical techniques can be used for aesthetic healing of wounds formed after skin cancer removal. The surgeon takes care to properly unit the wound edges and leave minimal scarring, taking into account the shape and size of the wound. Face and nose reconstruction: If skin cancer is located in aesthetically important areas such as the face or nose, surgical reconstruction methods can be used to restore the aesthetic appearance of the face or nose after the cancerous tissue is removed. These methods may include flap reconstruction, tissue grafting, and local tissue transfer. Dermabrasion and laser therapy: After skin cancer is removed, irregularities, spots or scars may occur on the skin surface. In this case, procedures such as dermabrasion or laser therapy can be used. While dermabrasion uses a device to scan the skin surface and remove the top layer, laser therapy targets abnormal cells in the skin and can help provide smoother skin. Aesthetic surgery procedures should be planned as part of skin cancer treatment, and the treatment plan should be decided to the individual needs of the patient and the type of cancer. The recovery period after surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure and the individual factors of the patient.
Skin cancer plastic surgery requires a multidisciplinary approach to maximize the patient’s health and healing process while focusing on both cancer treatment and aesthetic outcomes. Therefore, it is important to determine the most appropriate treatment options in consultation with a dermatologist and/or plastic surgeon.