
Face Aesthetic

Eyelid Aesthetic

Breast Aesthetics

Body Aesthetics

Fat Transfer

The nose plays an important role in facial aesthetics. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common operations in aesthetic surgery. Apart from its aesthetic appearance, it is also an important organ functionally. Therefore, a nose surgery is an aesthetic and functional intervention. Our main philosophy in nose surgery is to achieve a natural and face-friendly result. Kişiye göre planlama yapmak önemlidir. Ameliyat genellikle genel anestezi altında yapılmaktadır. Usually, the patient is discharged after one night in the hospital. Depending on the procedure and the patient, silicone splints are used or the operation is performed without buffering. If tampons are used, they are removed after approximately 2-4 days. After 5-7 days, your splint dressing is removed. And you can return to your daily life after 1 week. Most of the postoperative edema decreases after 1-2 weeks. The final result is seen after about 2-6 months.